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Important Things to Know About Tensorflow 2.0

Reading time5 min

Deep Learning applications have changed a lot of things. Some which give hope for a brighter future, and some which raise suspicions. However, for developers, the growth of deep learning applications has made them more perplexed about choosing the best among so many deep learning frameworks out there.

TensorFlow is one of the deep learning frameworks that comes in mind. It is arguably the most popular deep learning framework out there. Nothing justifies the statement better than the fact that Tensorflow is used by the likes of Uber, Nvidia, Gmail among other big corporations for developing state-of-the-art deep learning applications.

But right now, I am on a quest to find whether it indeed is the best deep learning framework. Or perhaps find what makes it the best out of all other frameworks it competes against.
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Total votes 14: ↑11 and ↓3+8

Vue.js Best Practices For Web Development

Reading time5 min

I am a full-stack developer at Syncrasy Tech (IT solutions company). I love writing React codes. But why I am telling you this as we are here to discuss the Vue.js best practices for web development. I am telling you this so that you can understand my background and why I’m discussing here the Vue.js.

I love working on React codes, but I hate reading them. This is the reason where I fail to code. Even with the best code review practices, I can’t figure out the nesting of React components that simply helps to create more complex UI structures in web apps.

The solution to this problem is Vue that is now not so new in the block of web app development. I have heard a lot about Vue async components, server-side rendering, tools, and libraries. Perhaps you find this myriad of terms to be confusing. Believe me, you’re not alone in that, many developers of all levels feel the same way when they don’t know the Vue best practices.

A few days later, I finally decided to get my codes into it. What I am sharing here are the numerous best practices that I have learned through my experience with Vue. I’m ready to share what I’d find.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

Picking a Color Scheme for Your App: How to Make It Simple?

Reading time4 min
Along with functionality, your application’s colors are a key aspect. The user’s impression of your application is formulated through interaction with graphics UI elements, which is a crucial factor.
Selecting the color scheme that will suit your application is a long process since there is an infinite number of existing patterns. So now you can immediately answer this article’s main question: there is no easy way to choose a color scheme for your app. However, do not rush to give up on this text. You may not even realize how significant and exciting this process is.

Below, we will mention the most crucial points that relate to selecting a color palette for your application. We’ve paid special attention to the UI details and outlined how to increase your brand prevalence and your application usability thanks to the proper colors.
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Total votes 5: ↑4 and ↓1+3

Top 5 mobile app development companies in the UK

Reading time3 min

According to Evans Data Corporation, there are 12 million developers in the world. About 350,000 of these software and mobile developers work and live in the UK including freelancers and IT employees.

How do you choose the best one among all this variety? The obvious answer — get going with a professional IT company. This will increase your chances to work with true professionals.

I’ve made my own research based on a variety of reliable resources like Google SERPs and user’s reviews, different independent media, including medium.com and aggregators, like businessofapps.com, Clutch, etc. and other independent sites. Based on the collected data, I’ve aggregated the total score for each of the 25 leaders, and here I represent a list of the winners: the top 5 software developers in the UK.
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Total votes 12: ↑12 and ↓0+12

Must-Have Mobile Application Animations

Reading time4 min
The animation is at the heart of mobile app User experience (UX). Truth be told, energized changes quietly impart an assortment of messages and show the client the best way to explore through the mobile app by just coordinating the client's consideration.

For instance, liveliness can signify a connection between shared components. They can likewise be fundamental in demonstrating the progression between two states or direct the client's thoughtfulness regarding a suggestion to take action catch.

Such powerful development in mobile apps is dependably a utilitarian segment as opposed to adornments like structure components. Thus, movement in the UX configuration ought to be approached from the earliest starting point when the group designs the client's voyage.

At the point when the impact and ease of use of enlivened components are broken down during the QA testing stage, these changes can likewise be wiped out on the off chance that they neglect to convey a positive effect.

Vivified connections can make consistent cooperative energy between screens or realize a snapshot of progress. For instance, these activities can be any or the majority of the accompanying:

  • Check the container
  • Explore to another page
  • Open settings
  • Give framework status
  • Communicate something specific

The above is only a glimpse of something larger. So as we quickly approach the finish of 2018, we should investigate the three most blazing mobile app movement inclines that are upgrading UX no matter how you look at it.
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Total votes 8: ↑6 and ↓2+4

How to create a dark theme without breaking things: learning with the Yandex Mail team

Reading time8 min

My name is Vladimir, and I develop mobile front-end for Yandex Mail. Our apps have had a dark theme for a while, but it was incomplete: only the interface and plain emails were dark. Messages with custom formatting remained light and stood out against the dark interface, hurting our users’ eyes at night.

Today I'll tell you how we fixed this problem. You will learn about two simple techniques that didn't work for us and the method that finally did the trick — adaptive page recoloring. I'll also share some ideas about adapting images to a dark theme. To be fair, darkening pages with custom CSS is a rather peculiar task, but I believe some of you may find our experience helpful.

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Total votes 22: ↑20 and ↓2+18

Top mobile app development companies

Reading time53 min
Looking for an app development company? I’ve searched for information about it and made this list. It might help to find an app development company to hire. The list contains basic information about each company included in it like company size, hourly rate, min. project size, etc. And I recently decided to upgrade the list to 100 app development companies.
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Total votes 23: ↑18 and ↓5+13

Generating multi-brand multi-platform icons with Sketch and a Node.js script — Part #1

Reading time10 min


Using a custom build script in Node JS, it is possible to manipulate a series of Sketch files, and then, using an internal Sketch tool, automatically export their assets, to generate multiple icon libraries, for multiple platforms and different brands, that support dynamic colourisation of the assets via design tokens, and also AB testing of the assets via naming convention. Easy peasy :)

Well, actually it’s not that easy, but it can certainly be done. This post is a detailed explanation of how we did it, and what we discovered along the way.

The problem we were trying to solve

At Badoo we build a dating app. Actually, multiple dating apps. For multiple platforms (iOS, Android, Mobile Web, Desktop Web), across multiple teams.

We use hundreds of icons in our apps. Some of them are the same across different apps, some are very specific to the brands the apps reflect. The icons are continuously evolving, in sync with the evolution of the design. Sometimes completely new icons are added, while others get updated, and still others get dropped (although, they often remain in the codebase).
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Total votes 30: ↑29 and ↓1+28

Top 10 Mobile App Development Companies for Enterprise & Startups

Reading time7 min


The mobile app developers are exceptionally intrigued by conveying 100% fulfillment outcome for the entrepreneurs. By having top 10 mobile app development companies, it is crucial for working with an effective outcome and does the worldwide system. In this way, get assistance from the professional mobile app developers and grow the business in like manner.

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Total votes 11: ↑10 and ↓1+9

Implementing UI in iOS: Better, faster, and it scales

Reading time10 min

A few months ago I came across a very interesting documentary series on Netflix called Abstract, they basically explore the output of professional designers from different sectors like architecture, graphic design, fashion, … in their workplaces.

It was easy to spot some similarities in the work of designers from other fields with that of an iOS developer who implements user interfaces. For example, when a designer is creating something that is big enough to be broken down into smaller parts, using a strategy like ‘Divide and Conquer’ is key to being able to focus on smaller parts that will be assembled at later stages in the process.

Breaking down a whole design into smaller subunits allows us to think about each problem in isolation, removing any dependencies between the components. But the full picture also needs to be present throughout the whole process, otherwise there can be problems when the time comes to fit everything back together.

On the other hand, while watching Abstract I noticed that in the design process for objects like a shoes, banners or buildings the final design remains fixed for the lifetime of the product. The design of a Nike shoe isn’t going to change after it is released and there aren’t going to be any updates once it’s on the shelf in the shop. Sometimes a design remains unchanged even 20 years later, and the product is still sound.
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Total votes 28: ↑27 and ↓1+26

Server-provided animations in iOS apps

Reading time5 min

Hi everyone! About six months ago we launched one of Badoo’s most exciting features: Live Streaming. One of its main functionalities is that viewers can send gifts to their favourite streamers to express their appreciation. We wanted to make the gifts as fancy and as engaging as possible, so it was decided to make some of them really lively, and by this I mean animated. And to engage people even more, we, the Badoo team, planned to update those gifts and animations every few weeks.

As an iOS engineer, you might have already guessed the challenge we faced here: the need to add new animations and remove the old ones was going to require a fair amount of work from the client side. We’d need both the Android and the iOS development teams for every release — which, when combined with the amount of time App Store reviews and approval often take, would mean it might be days before each update could go live. But we solved the problem, and I’m going to explain to you how.

Solution overview

By this stage, we already knew how to export Adobe After Effects (AAE) animations into the format readable by our iOS app using the Lottie library. This time though, we went a bit further: we decided to create a kind of animation storage service, available via the internet. In other words, we would store all the actual animations on the server and deliver them to the client apps on demand:
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Total votes 33: ↑32 and ↓1+31

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