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Google App Engine *

A web framework and cloud computing platform for developing and hosting web applications

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OPPO, Huawei, Xiaomi. Chinese app stores join forces to take on Google

Reading time2 min

Major players in the Chinese app market are joining forces to take on the almighty Google Play store. Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo are reported to launch the Global Developer Service Alliance (GDSA), a platform allowing Android developers to publish their apps in the partnering stores from one upload.

The GDSA is expected to launch in nine countries—including India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, Spain, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam—although paid app support may vary across the regions. Canalys’ Nicole Peng explains the wide reach of this alliance:

By forming this alliance each company will be looking to leverage the others’ advantages in different regions, with Xiaomi’s strong user base in India, Vivo and Oppo in Southeast Asia, and Huawei in Europe. 

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All About Google App Engine (GAE): Features & Business Uses

Reading time5 min
If I talk about Google then we all know that it provides an enormous range of tools, products, and services. In the running market, Google has scored high percentile and left a footprint in the list of world’s top 4 companies. Many creations of Google are widely used all over the world and the best example of this is Goole Search Engine.

What Is Google App Engine?

By the name, we can recognize that Google has created a Google App Engine, the name is similar to a search engine but its purpose is different. App Engine is a service and cloud computing platform employed for developing and hosting web applications.

The platform supports Go, PHP, Java, Python, Node.js, .NET, and Ruby applications and apart from this it also supports other programming languages through custom runtimes. The App Engine serves 350 plus Billion requests per day.

Global Google Cloud Revenue

Source: Statista

It is a PaaS (platform-as-a-service) Cloud computing platform that is entirely managed and utilizes in-built services to drive the apps. Once after downloading the SDK you can instantly start the development process but for this, it is mandatory to have technical knowledge. If you don’t know the technical terms then there is no need to take tension as there are many IT industries in the market that are providing Google App Engine Development Services.
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