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New plasma rocket engine: A promising experiment harnessing a hybrid of chemical and ion technology

Level of difficultyHard
Reading time37 min

 Gleb Kulev, Candidate of Technical Sciences

The rapid exploration of outer space has faced a problem related to the insufficient efficiency of modern rocket engines. As a solution to this problem, the concept of a jet engine based on new operating principles is proposed, using a combination of known physical laws and having advantages over known types of jet engines.The article presents the results of testing three modifications of jet engines based on new operating principles and their analysis. The article discusses the physical principles of operation of a jet engine based on new principles, its advantages and problems arising during its creation.

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Total votes 6: ↑6 and ↓0+6

Common misconceptions about space-grade integrated circuits

Reading time27 min

Space exploration was always fascinating, and recent developments have reignited the interest to the heights never seen since the last man stood on the Moon. People argue about Mars exploration and features of spaceships as their grandparents would’ve done if the internet existed fifty years ago. I’m an electronics engineer working in the aerospace industry, so I know a thing or two about the technical background of this stuff — and I see that these things aren’t common knowledge, and people often have significantly skewed ideas about the reasons behind many things and decisions. Namely, I’d love to speak of some misconceptions about radiation hardened integrated circuits and the means of protection from radiation-induced damage.

So, let's start our journey
Total votes 15: ↑15 and ↓0+15

Celestia: Bugs' Adventures in Space

Reading time6 min
Picture 1

Celestia is a three-dimensional space simulator. Simulation of the space allows exploring our universe in three dimensions. Celestia is available on Windows, Linux and macOS. The project is very small and PVS-Studio detected few defects in it. Despite this fact, we'd like to pay attention to it, as it's a popular educational project and it will be rather useful to somehow improve it. By the way, this program is used in popular films, series and programs for showing space. This fact, in turns, raises requirements to the code quality.
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Total votes 27: ↑25 and ↓2+23

Cosmonaut Aleksandr Laveykin about the best space movie, G-force of 20g, and soft landing

Reading time6 min
Three years ago, ASCON, the parent company of C3D Labs, invited cosmonaut and Hero of the Soviet Union Aleksandr Laveykin to its Partnership Conference. As a guest speaker, he told the audience of Russian IT companies about his 174-day spaceflight and answered questions posed by conference attendees.

Up to now, the Q&A had not been translated into English. We post them for upcoming International Day of Human Space Flight (or Cosmonautics Day in Russia).

Aleksandr Laveykin flew to space in 1987 and worked as a flight engineer on board the Mir Space Station, orbiting the Earth for six months. He completed three spacewalks lasting a total of eight hours and 48 minutes.

Image: TASS

Total votes 9: ↑9 and ↓0+9

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